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PWNZOR Optical Compressor

3 participantes

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PWNZOR Optical Compressor Empty PWNZOR Optical Compressor

Mensagem por Cid Dom 14 Ago 2011 - 15:41

PWNZOR Optical Compressor P10101491


PWN your tone! The new PWNZOR optical compressor is the perfect tool to get more punch and sustain in your tone. Unlike designs based on vintage pedal compressors, the PWNZOR is a high-fidelity design that is just as comfortable in the studio as it is on stage. It has internal charge pump circuitry to produce 18 volts of headroom from a standard 9 volt supply for plenty of clean headroom. The PWNZOR also uses my new relay bypass system for clickless switching from a soft-touch stompswitch. It automatically switches to bypass in the event of a power failure.

There are controls for input sensitivity, output gain, attack speed, and ratio (most pedal compressors incorrectly call this sustain). There’s a “vintage” switch that switches the compressor to feedback mode – this changes the attack and release characteristics to get closer to the sound of classic compressors. Additionally, there are internal controls for input trim, release speed, and a true/buffered bypass switch. The LED doubles as a gain deduction meter for easy adjusting of compression settings. If you turn the input sensitivity all the way down, the PWNZOR turns into a great clean boost with 20 dB of clean gain.

I’m kicking off production with a Fromel-etched first run of 25 pedals.


Mensagens : 9368
Localização : Pense numa terra boa

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PWNZOR Optical Compressor Empty Re: PWNZOR Optical Compressor

Mensagem por marujo Dom 14 Ago 2011 - 19:27

Se o pedal for tão bom quanto o visual, então vale a pena ter um! :viva:

Mensagens : 405
Localização : Guarulhos-SP

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PWNZOR Optical Compressor Empty Re: PWNZOR Optical Compressor

Mensagem por fheliojr Dom 14 Ago 2011 - 19:35

vc gostou da 3leafaudio, hein, cidao?!?! up

BBB 24 - Bring Bertola Back in 2024

Mensagens : 11950
Localização : Fortaleza-CE

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PWNZOR Optical Compressor Empty Re: PWNZOR Optical Compressor

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