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Efeitos da música "The Struggle Of Turtle to the Sea Pt III"

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Efeitos da música "The Struggle Of Turtle to the Sea Pt III" Empty Efeitos da música "The Struggle Of Turtle to the Sea Pt III"

Mensagem por Aureliano Ter 4 Jun 2013 - 21:01

Alguém sabe que efeitos foram usados nesta música do Jean Luc Ponty?
Achei super maneira...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0TjyLU0-9SE?list=PL9A3883E216A7CA1F" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


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Efeitos da música "The Struggle Of Turtle to the Sea Pt III" Empty Re: Efeitos da música "The Struggle Of Turtle to the Sea Pt III"

Mensagem por JAZZigo Ter 4 Jun 2013 - 21:38

De 1:05 a 2:18, Ralphe Armstrong usou fuzz com wah-wah.

"Odeio o ouvinte de memória fiel demais." (Erasmo de Rotterdam, 1466-1536†)
Avatar: Rickenbacker 4003 Jetglo "Stealth Looking" (USA, 2011)
Powered by Rickenbacker Vintage Toaster 11k Bass Pickup & Retrovibe Replacement Rickenbacker Style High Gain 12k Treble Pickup

Mensagens : 16579
Localização : Asa Norte, Brasília-DF

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Efeitos da música "The Struggle Of Turtle to the Sea Pt III" Empty Re: Efeitos da música "The Struggle Of Turtle to the Sea Pt III"

Mensagem por Boss2K Ter 4 Jun 2013 - 21:42

Baixista: Ralphe Armstrong

For all of those aggressive yet extraordinarily intricate fusion outings from the '70s, Armstrong played a Fender Jazz Bass with a fretless Precision neck through a chain of archaic effects pedals that gave him an especially nasty edge on his solos. (For a taste, check out his rampaging, distortion-laced solo on "The Struggle of the Turtle to the Sea, Part III" from Ponty's Enigmatic Ocean.) "I used a device called a Maestro Bass Brassmaster," he recalls. "It was supposed to make the bass sound like a trombone, but it sounded more like Jimi Hendrix. I used that in conjunction with a Morley wah-wah pedal and a Maestro octave box. It was good for its time - but now I'm using a DigiTech device that has over 100 sounds programmed into it. It's much superior to the stuff I used in the '70s."


<iframe width="480" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/-7l07eL0L74" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Mensagens : 7918
Localização : Brasília, DF

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Efeitos da música "The Struggle Of Turtle to the Sea Pt III" Empty Re: Efeitos da música "The Struggle Of Turtle to the Sea Pt III"

Mensagem por JAZZigo Ter 4 Jun 2013 - 22:03

Realmente, agora me dei conta de que o solo também é todo oitavado (Gibson/Maestro OB-1 Octave Box). Wink

"Odeio o ouvinte de memória fiel demais." (Erasmo de Rotterdam, 1466-1536†)
Avatar: Rickenbacker 4003 Jetglo "Stealth Looking" (USA, 2011)
Powered by Rickenbacker Vintage Toaster 11k Bass Pickup & Retrovibe Replacement Rickenbacker Style High Gain 12k Treble Pickup

Mensagens : 16579
Localização : Asa Norte, Brasília-DF

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Efeitos da música "The Struggle Of Turtle to the Sea Pt III" Empty Re: Efeitos da música "The Struggle Of Turtle to the Sea Pt III"

Mensagem por Psycho Killer Qua 5 Jun 2013 - 9:53

Boss2K escreveu:Baixista: Ralphe Armstrong
It was good for its time - but now I'm using a DigiTech device that has over 100 sounds programmed into it. It's much superior to the stuff I used in the '70s."

Acho que o Ralphe não merece mais número do clube dos pedais analógicos... Mad

Onde é que está meu rock'n'roll?
Psycho Killer
Psycho Killer

Mensagens : 356
Localização : Curitiba


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Efeitos da música "The Struggle Of Turtle to the Sea Pt III" Empty Re: Efeitos da música "The Struggle Of Turtle to the Sea Pt III"

Mensagem por JAZZigo Qua 5 Jun 2013 - 10:16

Pois é, nem quis comentar nada, mas, aproveitando o ensejo, quanto será que ele levou pelo merchandising? Razz

"Odeio o ouvinte de memória fiel demais." (Erasmo de Rotterdam, 1466-1536†)
Avatar: Rickenbacker 4003 Jetglo "Stealth Looking" (USA, 2011)
Powered by Rickenbacker Vintage Toaster 11k Bass Pickup & Retrovibe Replacement Rickenbacker Style High Gain 12k Treble Pickup

Mensagens : 16579
Localização : Asa Norte, Brasília-DF

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Efeitos da música "The Struggle Of Turtle to the Sea Pt III" Empty Re: Efeitos da música "The Struggle Of Turtle to the Sea Pt III"

Mensagem por Boss2K Qua 5 Jun 2013 - 10:19

^(Reprinted from Bass Player magazine: August 1996)

Give me a guess ... Pergunta


Mensagens : 7918
Localização : Brasília, DF

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Efeitos da música "The Struggle Of Turtle to the Sea Pt III" Empty Re: Efeitos da música "The Struggle Of Turtle to the Sea Pt III"

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