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Restrung- documentário sobre luthieria

2 participantes

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Restrung- documentário sobre luthieria  Empty Restrung- documentário sobre luthieria

Mensagem por Ivanov_br Seg maio 10, 2021 12:22 am

He had always considered making guitars a passion, not an occupation. In 2007, Randall Wyn Fullmer, an ordinary guy with a cat, decided to turn his life-long hobby into a full-out obsession.

To launch his adventure he did what anyone else would do — he quit his high paying dream job at Disney, leaving behind a successful 20 year career of creating major motion pictures such as "Chicken Little" and "The Emperor's New Groove". It seemed to make so much sense at the time! With Disney in the rear-view, he launched his self-proclaimed "Mad Plan", crafting small-batch bass guitars full time.

From a beginner's electrifying success to near break-down, this is a beautiful, honest and inspirational portrait of a passionate craftsperson who walked headlong into a foolhardy dream ... a true tale of a life unwound and restrung.


Mensagens : 7039
Localização : Rio Grande do Sul


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Mensagem por vinibassplayer Seg maio 10, 2021 9:45 am

se tem uma coisa q come meu tempo é ver videos de construcao de instrumentos!

Ser baixista é isso... nota certa, no lugar e na hora certa. Firulas são como no futebol, só são válidas se for em direção ao gol ( a serviço da música). Amagomes(membro)

Mensagens : 1607
Localização : Corinto - MG

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